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Triple H Farm is a God based animal rescue located in Washburn Mo. We service both Southwest Missouri and Northwest Arkansas. We focus on helping pets remain with their families and continue with a happy, healthy life.
We do this by providing a food pantry. The food is available to anyone who is in need. By providing food it alleviates the worry of pet owners who are in a bind and cannot afford to provide and prevents the owner from possibly dumping their animal or surrendering their animal to a shelter, because they feel they can no longer provide.
We provide a monthly flea treatment clinic during flea season which is from April-September. Fleas are a large reason for many illnesses in pets and humans. The pets bring the fleas into the home and fleas multiply rapidly. Once in the home they are very difficult to get out without assistance of flea treatments. Many people are unable to purchase the required treatment due to the cost of the treatments. By providing the flea treatment we reduce the chances of the human and animal getting sick and requiring medical assistance.
We provide education and resources to help the public better care for their animals. There are many "old home remedies" that people use to cure their animal, but in fact make the animal more sick. We work with the owner to educate about what is okay and not okay for their animals. We try a holistic/natural approach, with the assistance of our Veterinarian, to treat an animal prior to using medication. This is done because many people cannot afford a Vet visit, but can afford the over the counter remedy. We want people to ask for assistance before turning to an old remedy that can potentially make their animal more ill. We also provide a list of National and State resources that can help pay an emergency Vet bill should the need arise. We also have a list of all the local low cost spay/neuter clinics that assist low income families. We also educate about the importance of maintaining control of your animal. Many animals are allowed to roam freely and it is thought that many dogs will find their way home. The reality is many do not, they are killed by the road, farmers, or starve to death. We try to educate about the importance of fences, leashes, and tethers to keep an animal safe. If possible, we provide, collars, leashes and tethers for the animals. 
We provide limited animal rescue service. We say "limited" because we do not have an on site shelter. Our goal is to help the animals stay with their families and to obtain our goal, we have opted not to have a shelter. We feel that by having a shelter, it affords the community with the ease of dumping or surrendering the animal and thus not allowing us to complete our goal. We do know at times, it is better for the animal to leave a family, and so we do take an animal(s) for temporary shelter only. We use rescue partners and transporters to send these animals to a rescue that shelters animals. We do take sick or injured animals, provide the Vet assistance they need and then send them to a rescue partner for adoption. At times, we do offer animals up for adoption as well.
We have an ultimate goal and a dream goal.
Our ultimate goal is to create a spay/neuter program that can help off set the cost of getting an animal spay/neutered. Many people cannot afford Vet care so they don't. When an animal is not spay/neutered this causes many problems. The animals wander to find a male/female and can wander onto local farms where livestock are and farmers kill the animal due to livestock protection laws. Many animals can develop serious health conditions like tumors, cancer, pyometra, etc. These conditions, left untreated, cause server pain for the animal and eventually death. It is a horrible way to die and can be prevented by getting the animal spay or neutered. We want to provide vouchers to help offset the cost of the spay/neuter. This way the owner can pay what they can afford and we will cover the rest of the cost.
  Our dream goal is to build an actual low cost spay and neuter clinic. We say dream goal, because we know the cost of such a clinic is immense. The need for such a clinic in this area is also immense. It would help save many animals and prevent many unwanted animals. To have such a clinic is a huge undertaking and would take many people, resources, and money for it to happen. This is why we have listed it as a dream goal. It is only a dream right now, but we know that with God all things are possible and we will continue to pray that it can become a reality.